
Valerie Menna

Valerie Menna
Title: President

Hello! My name is Valerie Fabbri Menna and I am running for Associated Students President here at Mt. San Antonio College. I am an electrical engineering and computer science major minoring in political science. I have aspirations to attend law school after finishing my bachelor’s degree to prepare myself to work in the executive levels of businesses. I have served in student government for the greater part of my educational career and would love to continue to do so. I have had the honor of serving on Mt. San Antonio College Associated Students Senate as the Campus Community Senator and Senate Co-Chair. These positions have given me the opportunity to see many aspects of our community on campus through the eyes and ears of students like myself. I have also been able to advocate for the needs of students throughout this pandemic. In the role of being a leader in the Senate, I have learned the necessary skills and qualities needed to maintain a productive and efficient executive board for the purpose of pursuing student needs. The past year, during quarantine, has given me new strengths and opportunities for advocacy on behalf of students. I plan to continue to work with our Associated Students and Mt. SAC community, faculty, and staff to push forward on a safe return to campus. I look forward to working with our continued efforts towards providing students with basic needs especially in this year long quarantine and the basics needs for a smooth transition back to campus. I have devoted time to attend the Facilities Advisory Committee monthly meetings in order to keep Associated Students informed on the construction projects throughout our campus and what to expect based on a proposed timeline. Students and I alike have advocated for logical wayfinding and signs for directions around the campus. I will continue the effects for making the campus easier to navigate for students and faculty. I will advocate for the lives lost during COVID-19 and the violence that has spread throughout our nation caused by the pressure and stress of the pandemic. And finally, I will advocate for racial and gender equity and diversity on our campus. I do hope that you will consider to vote for me as your next President.

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